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Premium Themes: How to Separate Footer Copyright into Footer Socket

Create a Footer Socket

In some cases you may want to separate the footer copyright text into a different colored box. It will require a small code change and here is a guide how it can be done:

1.Login to your Admin Panel

2. Navigate to Left Menu -> Appearance -> Editor

3. Open footer.php

4. Move the following code:

<div id="copyright">
	<?php tishonator_show_copyright_text(); ?>
</div><!-- #copyright -->


<?php wp_footer(); ?>

So, after the change the end of your footer.php should looks like:

		<?php wp_footer(); ?>
		<div id="copyright">
			<?php tishonator_show_copyright_text(); ?>
		</div><!-- #copyright -->

5. Save change

6. Navigate to Left Menu -> Appearance -> Customize -> ‘Additional CSS’ Section and Insert the following code:

#copyright {
	background-color: #CCC;
	color: #111;
	padding: 10px;

#copyright a {
	color: #111;

#copyright a:hover {
	color: #111;

Please Note: You can change the above color values.

7. Save changes

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