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Translate a Theme

All of the themes we provide (both free and premium) are translation ready. It means that you can easily translate your WordPress theme in your local language. Here are the exact steps you need to perform:

1. Download and Install Poedit

Poedit is a Free translations editor, you can download it from HERE. It’s available for Windows, OS X, and Linux.

2. Create New Calalog File

After you have installed Poedit, run the program

From top menu, navigate to File -> ‘New Catalog from POT File…’

From the opened Dialog, navigate to YourThemeFolder/languages

Select the pot file

Click on ‘Open’ button:

In the new Dialog, fill the Language field with the language you intend to translate your theme, i.e. Bulgarian:

Save the catalog PO file in YourThemeFolder/languages folder.

Note: The file name the PO file should be chosen according to the language you want to select, i.e. if we want to translate the catalogue file to Bulgarian, we should save it as bg_BG.po.

The naming convention of the .po files is based on the ISO-639 language code (e.g. pt for Portuguese) followed by the ISO-3166 country code (e.g. _PT for Portugal or _BR for Brazil). So, the Brazilian Portuguese file would be called pt_BR.po, and a non-specific Portuges file would be called pt.po. Complete lists of codes can be found at (country codes) and (language codes)

Then you’ll see a grid with two columns: in the left column the English text, in the right column will be displayed the translated text. Select a text to translate, in the bottom of the program, enter its translation:

Once you’re ready, Save changes.

Then upload the newly created po and mo files form YourThemeFolder/languages to YourWordPressServerFolder/wp-content/themes/YourThemeFolder/languages.

3. Change Language in your WP Admin

Login to your WordPress Admin and Navigate to Left Menu -> Settings -> General -> Select ‘Site Language’ and click on ‘Save Changes’ Button.

That’s All 🙂 Now, you can open your site and the translated text from the catalog file should be displayed:

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