Motivation & Marketing Promise
My logos and WordPress themes are designed and developed with love and are made for people who believe they can change the world in a good way. My focus is on those people who want to set a new beginning , to be an inspiration for a change.
With my work, I honestly want to help those who need my designs. By using them in their business projects, these people will not only send beautiful messages to their clients, but also they will receive a clearer meaning and intention for themselves and what they do, greater satisfaction with the work they do. When there are results (I’m sure there will be results when something done with love), gratitude will appear, even greater aspiration and inspiration will be born, the direction of their enterprise work will be confirmed, and so the realization will become more and more complete and real. This is all for the important meaningful change.
The very fact that one gains clarity in the direction of action is in itself a success and an achievement.
My Goals
✓ Modernity
✓ Purity
✓ Implementation
✓ Accomplishment
✓ Effectiveness
✓ Professionalism
✓ Remarkable Achievement
Logo Designs and WordPress Themes are:
✓ Beautiful
✓ Modern
✓ Stylish
✓ Valuable
✓ With components in natural colors, using sacred-geometric elements that are spiritually energized
I am fully aware of the small real clients community I work with.
A small number, but real customers, is qualitatively valuable to me, than a large number, but not so consciously working for the good of the world. I don’t compete or compare with anyone, I’m myself, and so are my real clients. I am grateful to them.
My idea is to appeal more self-focused and centered mode of work and mutual assistance.
Thank You, ✿
Aya Templates Team
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