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How to Create a Child Theme

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A child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality and styling of another theme, called the parent theme. Child themes are the recommended way of modifying an existing theme.

Reference: https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes

In some case you may need to create a child theme for our themes. Here are all of the necessary steps:

The good news is that our themes follow the official WordPress code guidelines. So, you can easily create a child theme, here are all of the necessary steps: Read More

Categories: Uncategorized

Remove Mobile (Burger) Menu

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In case you use a plugin for mobile (burger) menu such as WP Mobile Menu, you may want to hide/remove the theme default menu under mobile/tablet portrait screens (screenshot above). Here are all of the necessary steps how it can be done:

  1. Login to Your Admin Panel
  2. Navigate to Left Menu -> Appearance -> Customize -> ‘Additional CSS’ Section
  3. Insert the following code there:
    @media screen and (max-width: 799px) {#navmain {display:none;}

    Note: The above code will hide menu for screens with width less than 799px. You may change it to other value if you prefer (the value marked in bold above).

  4. Save changes

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Categories: Uncategorized

How to Change Title Font Size of Recent Posts Slider Widget Items

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The Recent Posts Slider Widget (screenshot above) is included in all our Premium themes. It allows you to insert a slider with recent posts of your website. You can easily use it, just login to your Admin Panel, navigate to Left Menu -> Appearance -> Widgets -> then add ‘Recent Posts Slider Widget’ into some of the Widget areas such as Homepage Above Columns, Homepage Column #1, Homepage Below Columns, Sidebar Widget Area, etc:


By the default title of the items is same as blog titles from index page. In case you need to change the widget items titles, it will require a small code change, here are all of the necessary steps:

  1. Login to your Admin Panel
  2. Navigate to Left Menu -> Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS
  3. Insert the following code there:.jcarousel-item h1.entry-title {
    font-size: 16px;
    }Please Note: You can change the font size value above (marked in bold) with other value.
  4. Save changes

Alternatively, you can insert the above code into style.css (Navigate to Admin Panel -> Left Menu -> Appearance -> Editor, open style.css scroll down and insert the code).

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Categories: Uncategorized

Embed Vimeo Video Mute by Default

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All of our Premium WordPress themes include’Display Vimeo Video’ widget which allows you to embed Vimeo videos in your website.

When you play the embed video the sound is enabled by default. In some cases you may want to disable the sound by default. Here are instructions how it can be done:

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Categories: Help

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